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Review Sites Lack the Scope for Two-way Interaction Between the Marketers and Consumers

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Journal of International Business Research and Marketing
Volume 3, Issue 1, November 2017, Pages 7-13

The Bear upon of Social Media on Consumer Ownership Intention

DOI: ten.18775/jibrm.1849-8558.2015.31.3001

Michael Pütter

University of Republic of latvia, Kinesthesia of Economics and Management, Riga, Latvia

Abstract: Companies throughout the earth are constantly seeking new ways to reach consumers. Only a few decades ago, television and print ad were the fundamental components of marketing strategies. In the current era, these traditional marketing streams are merely a small segment of the varied approaches used to market and brand products. The increasing focus on social media shaped country of the art advertisement and shifted the way companies interact with their target groups. As a consequence, the effective utilize of social media has become an essential part of creating and maintaining a competitive advantage. After, companies now identify considerable value on the mode in which social media tin be used to shape consumer make perception and influence their ownership intention. Companies integrating a strategic approach to the utilise of social media volition take advantages over those that do non. In assessing the impacts of social media on branding and marketing approaches, an exploration of the existing literature on social media use and brand perception tin can help identify emerging and successful strategies for improving consumer engagement through social media.

Keywords:Social construction assay, Social media management, Online target groups, Customer behavior

The Bear on of Social Media on Consumer Ownership Intention

1. Social Media

Increasing focus on global development and the expansive utilise of engineering in marketing, advertizing and promotion have led to shifts in the way in which companies focus on consumers (Quelch & Jocz, 2008). Researchers have recognized that technology has get a major component in expanding markets and have defined entire marketing strategies around global access to technology. At the same fourth dimension, advertising and promotion frequently focus on the psychological, emotional, and social factors influencing consumer behaviours, elements that must be incorporated into technology-based marketing (Quelch & Jocz, 2008). As a result, even in the presence of global expansion and new technologies, companies need to look at the iv essential "Ps" of marketing: production, price, place, and promotion (Quelch & Jocz, 2008). touch on of social media

Rust, Moorman and Bhalla (2010) maintain that while many companies have admission to a variety of types of technologies that could enhance consumer interest, expand brand recognition and ameliorate overall marketing, many underuse technologies as a foundation for interacting with customers. These researchers, though, seem to suggest that expanded employ of information technologies and social media are going to be the trends in the future (Rust, Moorman, & Bhalla, 2010). Rather than focusing on short-term advert through applied science, adept companies are integrating social media mechanisms to enhance the relationship with consumers. Companies frequently focus on iii of the most widely used social media platforms for use in product marketing and branding: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter (Muntinga, Moorman, & Smit, 2011; Shi, Rui, & Whinston, 2014). More than any time in the past, companies are recognizing the value of the use of methods to engage consumers in a way that continually reintroduces the product, increases the appeal of products, or identifies social components to product experiences. Social media websites have go the center of information distribution on products, including the introduction of new product lines, the cosmos of make awareness, and methods to shape consumer behavior (Muntinga, Moorman & Smit, 2011). Social media provides the unique opportunity to use word-of-mouth marketing to a widespread audience, supporting consumer-to-consumer communications and advancing brand awareness through a big-scale social network (Kozinets, de Valck, Wojnicki, & Wilner, 2010).

Social media can be defined as "consumer-generated media that covers a wide variety of new sources of online information, created and used by consumers intent on sharing information with others regarding whatsoever topic of interest" (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014, p. 1). "According to eMarketer (2013), nearly one in four people worldwide apply social network sites – a number of about 1.73 billion people. Past 2017, the global social network audience is estimated to be around 2.55 billion people" (Schivinski, Christodoulides, & Dabrowski, 2016, p. 1). When assessing social media as a marketing tool, most researchers include both mobile and web-based technologies that focus on ways that users "share, co-create, hash out and modify user-generated content" (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014, p. 1). This is considered by nearly to be a paradigmatic shift in the way companies market place their products, because companies are relying on consumers more than ever before to direct their marketing process and create the discourse around branding (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014).

Unlike print or television advertising, social media is not an advertising platform in and of itself, and equally a outcome, companies tin exist challenged with determining how consumer information and appointment touch on the branding process. Positive comments in social media venues can accept a positive impact, just negative comments can also be a function of the brand dialogue and may not exist able to exist controlled by the companies using social media for marketing (Ho-Dac, Carson, & Moore, 2013; Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014). At the same time, consumers participate in the discussion and exchanges that influence the branding process, all the while paying very lilliputian attending to their participation in the branding or marketing process (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014).

Of the three social media platforms identified as usually used by companies to support marketing and branding (i.e. Twitter, YouTube and Facebook), Facebook is considered by some to exist the "holy grail of marketers" because of its focus on the integration of advertising into participants social content. In the Facebook format, advertisers present their information about specific brands and products, Facebook users provide comments or "Like" content (showing approval of specific content), and this then drives additional similar content (Nelson-Field, Riebe, & Sharp, 2012; Shen & Bissell, 2013). The more consumers engage in behaviours around product advertizing or annotate on Facebook about specific products, the more content they will exist provided that has similar products or brands (Shen & Bissell, 2013). Social media, then, has a significant impact on how marketers design their strategic approach, how they deliver brand information, and how they scale advert to enhance consumer engagement. affect of social media

Social networking sites like Facebook have provided a new way of introducing brand-related content and creating exchanges with consumers by generating consumer interactions (Shen & Bissell, 2013). The value of this approach is based on the shift in the way in which the Internet is being used, and social venues are progressing. Just a decade agone, the number one online activity was pornography, but only a decade afterwards, this has shifted to social networking (Shen & Bissell, 2013). Equally a result, most 93% of businesses use some form of social networking for marketing and branding (Shen & Bissell, 2013). In their 2013 study, Shen and Bissell maintained that in any given year, there are more 200 one thousand thousand active online users in the The states who spend more than 29 hours spent on online browsing, product assessment and networking. Of this large amount of social networking use, Facebook is the leader, with the about time spent on this social network leader (over 7 hours per person per week) (Shen & Bissell, 2013). impact of social media

Because of the shift in the format through which consumers engage with products and product brands, the internet and e-technologies accept become essential elements in branding. Consumers are now encouraged to interact with brands, share data with other consumers and create their content that reflects their make preferences. The more consumers are engaged in this process, the more likely they are to encourage others to explore specific brands (Christodoulies, 2009). In understanding the function that social networks play in branding, information technology is of import to recognize the views of businesses about the branding and marketing processes, their desire to create consumer engagement, and the impacts of social networks on influencing consumer purchasing decision-making. impact of social media

2. Branding

Researchers generally recognize the importance of the concept of branding as it applies to product and marketing development (Campelo, et al., 2014; Keller, 1993). Seminal piece of work on the long-standing approaches to understanding branding reflected the connection between branding process and marketing (Keller, 1993). A brand can be divers as "a name, term, sign, symbol, or pattern, or combination of them which is intended to identify the goods and services of i seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors" (Kotler 1991, p. 442, as cited by Keller, 1993, p. 1). Specific brands can include a number of different brand identities through which associations are made based on central brand characteristics. Consumers frequently assess brands, make comparisons between like brands, and make purchasing decisions based on brand affiliation (Keller, 1993). bear on of social media

In alignment with this view, brand pregnant extends from social constructs related to the brand and consumer perceptions that are based on both brand comparisons and branding strategies (Campelo, et al., 2014). The social element of branding is one of the most significant aspects of how branding shapes the focus of marketing. Whether looking at Nike products or electric vehicles, the messages utilized in branding strategies become the defence that consumers utilise to determine their purchasing decisions. Campelo and colleagues (2014) maintained that branding is often influenced by social perceptions, including the value that individuals identify on the make, and social pressures, including the social messages that others identify on brand ownership. Value linked to branding is influenced past components of the make process, including make message and brand knowledge.

Keller (1993) described brand knowledge as a component of make equity, which is shaped past consumer knowledge of a brand and its products and consumer response to the marketing messages of a brand. Studies of brand equity often attempt to determine the consumer perceptions of a make and its impact on decision-making. Aaker (1997) maintained that this is based on the perception of branding that influence reception to brand letters. Aaker described this in relation to brand personality, which includes the associations or characteristics of a brand. Brand personality is defined as "the set up of homo characteristics associated with a make" (p. 348). For example, advertising messages that attach adjectives like "cook, hip, contemporary" to Absolut vodka, while attaching characteristics like "intellectual, conservative" and older to Stoli vodka define how the products are branded and how they are distinguished by consumers (Aaker, 1997).

Make personality tin include traits like "sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, and ruggedness" (Aaker, 1997, p. 348). Consumers brand connections between characteristics they find amiable and characteristics associated with a product shaped through branding (Aaker, 1997). Because the influence of brands on consumer behaviours are linked to the perception of brand associations and memories of specific brand components, inquiry indicates that psychological factors play a tremendous role in defining the effectiveness of marketing strategies (Aaker, 1997; Keller, 1993). touch of social media

Brand experience includes how brands are perceived by consumers, but likewise how responses are communicated. Some brand experiences are perceived very cerebrally, while others are conceptualized around feelings, emotions, sensations, and behaviours. Brand-related stimuli become an important component of the transfer of brand data (Barkus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009). Depending on the type of product or service, specific consumer responses to brand images tin result in feelings, thoughts or behaviours that are distinct to each make. Associations fabricated through response to brand stimuli shape not only knowledge of the make characteristics simply also enhances brand awareness. impact of social media

Often consumer behaviours are shaped by make sensation. 3 coffee shops on a major street may nowadays comparable products and services with a significant price differential. Even if Starbucks is the most expensive of the 3, consumer behaviours and choices are often driven by their perception of the make and conventionalities in a brand-based feel that is differentiated solely by recognition of the make. A person may choose Starbucks not because they provide the all-time service, best coffee, or best-baked goods merely considering they are a recognised brand that has associated feelings, cognitions, and sensations. These determine consumer expectations and behavior nearly the outcomes of purchasing decisions (Barkus, Schmitt, & Zarantonello, 2009; Keller, 1993). Kahr and colleagues (2016) recognized that consumer behaviour can be influenced past positive make knowledge besides as by negative experiences that result in damage to a brand. For example, following the Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska in 1989, many consumers turned away from this industry leader considering of the negative environmental impact and brand deterioration that followed. It took decades and a merger with ane of their largest competitors, Mobil, in 1999 to reshape the brand and reduce the negative impacts of the disaster. Once a good image is lost, Kahr and colleagues maintained, it can be lost forever. impact of social media

Brand equity becomes a part of this procedure, especially when applying branding strategies to widespread consumer interactions (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014). Make equity can be defined as the introduction of some ways in which cognition nigh a brand can influence the consumer behaviours in response to marketing approaches (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014). "The ultimate aim of branding is a favorable response from consumers/customers. Companies attempt this by marketing products to customers, highlighting differentiating characteristics" (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014, p. 2). Companies seek ways of differentiating their marketing approach in guild to reach the largest number of consumers. Subsequently, brands can be differentiated through marketing focus and messages in order to appeal to different consumer populations.

A good case of this relates to the fashion in which Nike has integrated technology and social media in the branding of their products to many unlike consumer populations. Nike recognized that beyond populations, their sports-related products appealed to individuals seeking a greater motivation for individuals to excel physically (Kohli, Suri, & Kapoor, 2014). Their "Just do it" slogan was one that was recognized as a mode to market their products to youths, adults, and even older adults by integrating a single message or slogan that could then exist differentiated through the use of online advertizement and population-specific content (Kohli, Suri, and Kapoor, 2014). This kind differentiation is essential to branding process and promotes consumer loyalty while besides ensuring brand knowledge. impact of social media

2.1 Brand-Related Social Media

Make loyalty becomes an increasing focus when companies consider the utilize of social media. Facebook, for example, has more than 955 one thousand thousand active users, nigh of whom log on at to the lowest degree once each month (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). About half of Facebook users access their accounts on a daily basis, either via the net-based platform or through their mobile application (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). Equally a upshot of this widespread utilize, advertisers view Facebook and other social media platforms as the virtually beneficial engineering to introduce make-related content and promote band associations. impact of social media

While companies see Facebook as a ways to promote brand sensation and gain consumer attention, non all of the responses to advertising in social media are positive. While brand-related content is beingness introduced at an increasing rate in the Facebook platform, social media-based advertising is sometimes viewed as an unwanted chemical element, and companies have to be enlightened of how consumer responses to their advertisements tin can impact the value of that brand-related content (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). Researchers accept maintained that it is important that companies recognize that the procedure of introducing advertising and brand-related content in social media requires a close scrutiny of the content and a focus on make-based community building (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013).

Brand communities often form based on the presence of brand loyalty and positive response to brand-axial content. When creating a social media presence for a brand, the development of this kind of customs requires an understanding of how social media works and how brand communities function through the application of social media. Brand communities are made up of individuals who choose to participate and demonstrate a relationship to the essential information, content, or materials that are being shared in the community. This can include commentary on products, responses to new products, incentivised elements that shape decisions about participation in the customs, and methods to create a social connection that has emotional or socially driven experiential elements, including creating a sense of belonging (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). A key element for leaders similar Facebook is to develop social interactions and create engaging environments (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). This means that individuals may exist encouraged to engage in content by activities designed into the format. For example, content about a detail brand may announced on Facebook, linked to an individual's Web search for a specific product. The consumer is so asked to "Like" (testify approval) or "Share" the content (showing approval by publically sharing the information with others) (Wallace, Buil, de Chernatony, & Hogan, 2014). These simple tasks engage the participants in an interaction that helps them make decisions effectually products and provides feedback for advertisers. impact of social media

At the aforementioned time, at that place is an important chemical element to be understood in the creation of brand-based social media content and appointment with the consumer based: There are very few methods built into the mechanised system of response to content that allows for negative feedback. Consumers may annotate or appoint in discussions well-nigh a product, but at that place are no opposite elements to the "Like" or "Share" options that tin be selected in order to show opposition to the content in a public way. Every bit a event, the content that is "Liked" or "Shared" becomes the content of value, and this results in the introduction of more similar content while ignoring these options does non necessarily result in similar content non existence introduced.

From an organisational standpoint, brand managers become important in assessing information and providing direction related to the creation of brand communities and the information derived from consumer responses (Laroche, Habibi, & Richard, 2013). Effective measuring of consumer engagement in brand-related social media content tin can be an essential office of creating a social network marketing plan (Schivinski, Christodoulides, & Dabrowski, 2016). The cosmos of an internet presence for a detail brand is no longer a static process by which companies provide an internet presence or brand depictions without a feedback loop.

Dissimilar from the static websites in the early on days of the Internet, the interactive nature of social media has ultimately changed the ways in which consumers engage with brands. When using social media on a regular basis, consumers are in contact with brands and products by reading, writing, watching, commenting, "Liking", sharing, and in many other unlike ways. The growth in popularity of social media beyond consumers and firms has opened a vast enquiry field for scholars (Schivinski, Christodoulides, & Dabrowski, 2016, p. 2).
Researchers have indicated that at that place are unlike tools built into the social media platforms that allow for the creation of a brand customs, the engagement of consumers, electronic discussion-of-mouth, communication among peer groups, and user-generated content, all of which support consumer engagement and create collective value (Fuller, Muhlbacher, Matzler, & Jawecki, 2009; Laroche, Habibi, Richard, & Sankaranarayanan, 2012; Schivinski, Christodoulides, & Dabrowski, 2016). The focus on value and the awarding of social media to create value has go an aspect of marketing and branding processes in about modern organizations.

3. Collective Value Cosmos

When make communities are developed, social identification in the community and social drivers play a role in the creation of value. The use of social media to create these communities helps to connect the growing engineering science utilise with the development of value-creating practices in business environments (Schau, Muniz, & Arould, 2009). These communities help to create value by sharing information, generating additional avenues to support consumption, creating dynamic and vital responses to products and developing a driving strength for consumerism (Schau, Muniz, & Arould, 2009). Virtually researchers recognize that these elements fall into two dissimilar categories: elements created the visitor (firm-created), and elements created by users (user-generated) (Schivinski & Dabroswki, 2014). Oftentimes, social media platforms like Facebook back up a high degree of user-generated content that can be used to back up social behaviours around products and heighten brand recognition (Wang, Yu, & Wei, 2012).

Some of the most powerful tools related to the apply of social media to support consumer decision-making reflect the social mechanisms involved in creating commonage value. Socialization around specific brand expectations and noesis can influence decision-making and shape the mode consumers assess brand-based information. In the same calorie-free, peer communications and social mechanisms can besides influence how consumers perceive house-created content (Wang, Yu & Wei, 2012). Ofttimes, make value and purchasing decisions are linked more to the force of peer communications and social mechanisms supporting brand image, rather than the firm-created content bachelor in advertizement segments. These factors support the conventionalities that value is aligned with brand awareness (and the mechanisms that support awareness), and these elements later on influence how consumers respond to a make or product.

iv. Brand Awareness and Ownership Intention

The increasing use of social media has led to a major shift in the approach to pursuing consumer make awareness and making connections betwixt make sensation and intention to buy. A key shift is the fact that brands are no longer just static descriptors or associations, merely live as a part of a social procedure (Hollebeek, Glynn, Brodie, 2014; Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). "Brands are now viewed as an ongoing social process (Muniz and O'Guinn, 2001; Fuller et al., 2012), whereby value is co-created in the interplay and negotiations of diverse stakeholders (Merz et al., 2009)" (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013, p. 342). Brand sensation and brand value, then, are linked to social interactions and the response within social networks in which value becomes an element of commutation as a part of social mechanisms. Researchers are increasingly enlightened of the social nature of brands and the importance of make relationships in creating value and supporting consumer decision-making (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013).

Adept companies recognize that consumers have countless brand opportunities and choices on a daily footing and social media impacts how they perceive different brands at the moment that they make buying decisions (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). Even in the presence of changing social media mechanisms and the increasing utilize of technology, consumers still go through a common set of steps in making decisions that impact purchasing selections (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). When determining what product to select, "the consumer showtime attains sensation and knowledge about a product, subsequently develops positive or negative feelings towards the production and finally acts by buying and using or by rejecting and fugitive the product" (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013, p. 344). Researchers accept indicated that this model moves forth a progression of effects that impact how a consumer makes decisions, the technologies beingness in the beginning stage of production recognition. In other words, a consumer decides in the kickoff few minutes of viewing a product almost whether to purchase information technology or non based on the initial recognition of the brand. If the consumer does not have a positive association with the recognising, it volition never motion on to the next stage of controlling (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). Because that offset centre is essential in addressing consumer behaviours, companies must recognize the value of the use of social mechanisms as a behaviour tool in the hierarchy of consumer behaviours (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). bear upon of social media

Early on involvement in a consumer's controlling process tin make up one's mind whether they keep to the next steps or not. This does non guarantee that early interest will translate into purchasing intention but information technology does show that early involvement or early social recognition and brand awareness can ensure that the product remains in the loop of possible purchasing alternatives (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). As the consumer moves further along in the process, evaluative structures and controlling strategies are more individualized and may take longer to play out. For instance, if a consumer is looking at a high-end machine, they may immediately dominion out vii different brands for brand-specific, cognition-based reasons. They may also dominion out these brands considering of social media representations of brands, consumer comments on specific brands, and social mechanisms that shape brand perceptions (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013). Once the consumer moves on to the next stage where brand perception no longer immediately shapes their response, decisions may be based on some other tier of perceptions that tin can be influenced past social media, including the consumer'south needs, values, and interests, and the values and interests of those in their social collective (Hutter, Hautz, Denhardt, & Fuller, 2013; Yuksel, Bilim, & Yuksel, 2014). Decisions are not always as simple as selecting a product or not; oftentimes consumers observe themselves seeking better ways of evaluating a production and look to social networks for make or product clues.

5. Strategic Approaches

The one-time approaches to marketing and ad rarely apply when considering how influential social media is to achieving competitive advantage. "Traditionally, organizations have created advertisements, and customers consumed them. The intentions of advertisers have been reasonably clear: Organizations utilise these messages (by and large in broadcast or print media) to inform, persuade, or remind present and potential customers of their offerings or of the organization itself" (Berton, Pitt, & Campbell, 2008, p. half dozen). As passive recipients of this kind of advertising or communication, consumers relied heavily on the letters introduced and much less on the perceptions of others nigh specific products or brands. Companies take had to go much savvier in their utilise of marketing strategies because modern consumer populations rarely await at advertisements the manner they did in the by. A consumer will participate or engage in advertising in the showtime few seconds information technology is displayed, or dismiss information technology altogether (Berton, Pitt, & Campbell, 2008). The internet has provided companies with much more cost-effective ways of engaging with the consumer population, from creating responsive advertising and linked social networks to integrating surveys equally a office of the consumer experience for a brand. "In 2013 alone, 43 percentage of all inquiry surveys completed in the United States were conducted online, generating total revenue of $1.8 billion" (Fulgoni, 2014, p. 133). Online inquiry that provides a responsive tool via social media for agreement consumer perceptions has been an constructive machinery for supporting new marketing strategies (Fulgoni, 2014). This has led to major investments in marketing in social media that exceeds over $v billion a year in marketing investments (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).

With that level of expenditure, companies want to be sure that their social media marketing campaigns use the best strategic approaches, aligning existing theories on social mechanisms for buying intention with the best options for engaging consumers (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). This has led to branded social media campaigns that are reflective of the fact that about 86% of marketers believe that social media is an of import and pervasive element in marketing initiatives (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). "Branded social campaigns provide additional touchpoints to encourage ongoing interaction betwixt the consumer and the brand story throughout the twenty-four hours, which can deepen consumer-brand relationships, help marketers uncover common themes in consumer feedback, and persuade consumers to appoint with online content" (Ashley & Tuten, 2015, p. 15).

1 of the most pregnant shifts in marketing development that has led to social media-based strategies is the belief that consumers want to engage with product lines through user-generated content (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). "Consumer generated media encompasses opinions, experiences, advice and commentary nigh products, brands, companies and services-ordinarily informed past personal experience-that be in consumer-created postings on Internet discussion boards, forums, Usenet newsgroups and blogs. CGM can include text, images, photos, videos, podcasts and other forms of media" (Krishnamurthy & Dou, 2008, p. ii). An example provided past Ashley and Tuten (2015) was a Facebook-based campaign in which Procter and Adventure created a "Thank Y'all Mom" entrada in which consumers were encouraged to share their family stories. This campaign integrated multiple social channels and a combined broadcast advertising campaign, simply the chief elements were dictated by social media. The stories that Procter and Run a risk sought were those that enhanced associations with the products while displaying the connectedness betwixt mothers and their children. In the end, the campaign supported date past hundreds of thousands of female heads of households and "soccer moms," creating a positive response to the make (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).

User-generated content is one of the dynamic and emerging approaches used past companies to heighten their interactions with consumers and advance brand knowledge. This is based on a growing view of the role that social media plays in the personal lives of consumers, including the belief that consumers use social media as a means of creating or building social majuscule and of creating their sense of wellness through the psychosocial elements of the social media tools (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). Recognizing this connectedness can play an important office in developing the content and shaping the relationship betwixt the consumer and the visitor.

This speaks to an important aspect of the paradigmatic shift towards social media and user-generated content in marketing: the belief that companies are now creating, and must manage, a closer relationship with their consumers (Ashley & Tuten, 2015). This creates boosted expectations in this kind of relationship, and companies creating a social media presence and interactions with their consumers must consider how to manage these relationships, create more effective and responsive customer service, and ensure that generate a following through their marketing mechanisms. Client engagement and the willingness of customers to share their stories, create their own content, and engage are aligned with the goals of social media campaigns (Ashley & Tuten, 2015).

From a general perspective, about marketers belief that social engagement through marketing requires a high level of agreement of the goals of both the consumers and the companies in creating a social media presence. What is rarely addressed is the fact that social media platforms provide a context for the new creation of make identity and for both positive and negative expressions of brand interest.

Social media creates a venue through which estimator-based give-and-take-of-mouth communication can significantly influence the brand image. Because 1 consumer tin reach hundreds if not thousands of followers in a single post, companies must address their approaches to managing social networks earlier creating an online presence. This rarely occurs in advance of the introduction of the company in online forums. Instead, consumer engagement that is not positive is usually the offset indicator that the company wants to apply focus on mitigating for negative social media responses. For this reason, user-generated content, which has been assessed equally a valuable tool in creating consumer engagement, is not always the first choice for many companies.

Hautz, Fuller, Hutter, and Thuriddl (2013) maintained that user-generated content could be used effectively by companies who recognize that there are varied formats, and some of it tin can exist more structured in a way that reduces the impacts of negative messaging. Past creating avenues for positive message streams, in the style usually applied in platforms like Facebook, companies tin can brand their customers the "ambassadors for products and brands by producing and disseminating user-generated content" (Hautz, Fuller, Hutter, & Thuriddl, 2013). Bruhn, Schoenmueller, and Shafer (2012) maintained that user-generated social media communications could positively or negatively impact make disinterestedness. After, social media communications must be managed and a programme created for effectively addressing the negative elements that can influence consumer perceptions (Bruhn, Schoenmueller, & Shafer, 2012).

Researchers have maintained that while user-generated content tin can help to secure consumer behaviours in relation to second stages of product controlling, firm-created social media content has a greater overall consequence on a brand image (Bruhn, Shoemueller, & Shafer, 2012). As has been previously stated, consumer decisions tin can exist made in the first few seconds that a consumer appraise a product. If the consumer has a positive association based on visitor-linked media content and brand image, the consumer will move on to the next stage of selection, the stage in which decisions are linked to perceptions of the brand by individuals inside a social network. In align with this view, consumers demand to consider the nature of their products, the capacity to maintain a make image and the overarching value of social media networks in creating consumer engagement. Companies also need to recognize that branding itself is a complex procedure and requires a delivery to both traditional marketing approaches and social media-based approaches, including those that are linked to user-generated content.

6. Conclusions

Increasing use of social media worldwide has led to the belief that this is a valuable tool in supporting consumer engagement. Companies are continually looking to new methods for reaching consumers and for shaping consumer behaviours, including brand loyalty and intention to buy. The irresolute technological era has led to increased activeness in social network platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, all of which accept created mechanisms through which consumers can develop rapport and create interactions with brand-specific content.

Companies that are adept at integrating strategic approaches to the use of social network platforms are likely to exist most successful in reaching, engaging, and maintaining a consumer base moving forward. Factors that influence brand perception and intention to buy include things like the social mechanism that drive consumer perspectives, and the views of others posted demonstrated in social media posts. An emerging strategic focus is on the employ of user-generated content, content that is created past consumers in response to specific brands or brand requests and influences the perceptions of other consumers. This kind of strategic arroyo requires a high degree of maintenance and companies utilizing this method should be prepared to designate a marketing service to the management of online customer relationships.


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